Where are you  Cookie man?

I don't mean to be coy or mysterious about announcing my locations. I just tend to do things on the fly, which keeps this feeling more like a fun thing to do instead of any sort of obligation.

As soon as I know where and when I'm going to be somewhere, I announce it on the 24-hour FREE COOKIE HOTLINE. Just call 347-829-4YUM. It's also a great way to leave me a message if you're not a fan of email (I'm not either!).

The hotline is a New York area code because that's where this whole thing started (August of 2009). Now I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so that's where I usually am. When I can afford to travel, I always try to bring Free Cookies with me. Gee, it sure would be awesome if I did well enough with my music that I could be touring and Free Cookies could really get around!

You can also become of fan of "free cookies" on facebook. Pretty rad.

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